Thursday, November 08, 2007


When you are trapped on a desert you are all alone. There are no other people, institutions or organizations there. You get very thirsty and hungry. The longer you are there the intensity of that hunger and thirst grows. It can get to the point where it becomes unbearable. In life, the desert can be a state in which you do not feel productive. Like there is some potential you know you have but have not tapped into yet. It is like you know water and food has to be somewhere out there in the desert, but you don't have a clue where to look or how to find it.

This deep hunger and thirst that grows inside of you from feeling unproductive, motivates you to take whatever actions necessary to satisfy the need. So you begin a search for what you are lacking, taking actions you may have never really thought of or even considered before. The motivation that grows out of this deep hunger has fueled a lasting trend for satisfaction for which there is no possibility of turning back. Your very survival and sustenance depend on it.

The mere fact of being trapped on the desert alone represents a point in which you and no one else has left a place in which you were familiar, to enter into an unknown and uncharted wilderness. You may have gotten here by what you feel is circumstances, or you may have gotten here by your own conscious choice. However, the fact remains that you have left behind a state of mind and lifestyle that were familiar and entered into a limbo state, where a deeper part of you is calling you to explore or search for unthought of possibilities. You are left with no other alternative but to make new choices, because the other alternative is starvation or death.

Conditions Get Worse

Daily you feed your body the food and water it needs for maintenance and growth, yet are still hungry. The Deep Hunger or Desert Experience is felt deep down inside of you. You have been feeding your body consistently for as long as you have been living, yet have neglected to feed other aspects of yourself that are of major importance, or that you may not even have knowledge about. For many of you, your mind is lacking food for thought, your soul is starving from extreme neglect in a society that sometimes acts like these things are not important or don't exist. You are what you eat, yet if all of you is not being fed, then you cannot even be that. They call that state in which no food is provided for a long and extended period of time, Death. So you can be living, and still be dead. Technically referred to as the" living dead."

If you are trapped in the desert, with a deep hunger inside of you and don't know where or how to begin to find the much needed food for your survival, then don't be afraid to admit you do not know what to do and cry out for guidance and help. It is in this state of deep hunger, vulnerability, helplessness, powerlessness, confusion and not knowing that your deeper urging can be fed, and a new beginning and state of personal growth and development cultivated.

Deep Hunger is an unmet need or desire on the inside. A need for food beyond the physical. However, your thirst represents an eagerness to learn, and aide in the digestion of your food. Without the thirst, the food would be no good. Without the thirst the food could not properly digest. This is one of the reasons we can endure the deep hunger longer than we can endure being thirsty, not to mention the fact the body is 70% water. In the Desert there can be stagnation, and no growth. It is life giving you a wake up call to to get on with the deeper essence of living.

The Desert can be a state of loneliness in which you feel deserted. A state in which there is lack of satisfaction on many different levels of life. It can be a state where there is no creativity. How much creativeness will you get out of a person that is mentally and spiritually abused, neglected, starving and dying? I don't think very much. You can laugh with me here........Come on and laugh...........So wandering in the desert is in a sense being lost, of having no real meaning or direction. It is being a wanderer in the infinity of time and decision. This demonstrates the difficulty of having to be self-responsible and make decisions in the infinity of choices. The major challenge being if you will decide to honor and fulfill this deep hunger or calling, and go in the direction that will feed and save this deeper essence of life.

Hunger is a sign of temporary emptiness that needs to be fulfilled and nourished. There is food for the mind, food for thought, food for the body, and spiritual nourishment. You can digest information or "direct experiencing." The latter is food for growth as an individual.

Hope in the Desert?

The Wilderness is a Shadow. It is a part of yourself that you have not yet reached. However, in the midst of being in the Desert there is Hope. There is an Oasis. There is a place of fertility where newness can spring. There is a place that can provide relief. There is a place of refuge. There are Healing waters for your spirit and restoration for your very soul.

You see, Deserts were once lush and often under water themselves. So they are not strangers to H2O. Hummmmmmmmm. Think about that for a moment. So in this sense, the Desert also represents change, or a need for change that comes out of the Desert waters of its birth. It could be a place of retreat, reflection, inquiry, meditation, divine inspiration or revelation! It can be the beginning of getting closer to the ultimate Reality of this Universe. On the other hand, it can be a place of Deep Hunger, Starvation, and Ultimate Temptation where the demons of erroneous thoughts, feelings, experiences, and memories dwell in your search for meaning.

Deep Hunger Fuels Positive Results!

A student asked the Master Teacher, "How can I find Wisdom?" The Master Teacher told him to come with him. They both walked to a nearby stream. As they walked, the student wondered why he was not just given a simple, direct answer. They arrived at the stream's edge and the Master Teacher waded out until the water was chest high. The student followed him.

Suddenly, the Master Teacher grasped the student and plunged his head under the water. The student splashed, struggled and fought. He could not get a solid footing. You see, the Master Teacher had taken him by surprise, so all of his thrashing was of no use. In his panic and fear, the student made the water white with his kicking and arm churning.

Just as it seemed he would surely drown, the Master Teacher released the student. In anger and fury, the student began to fume and then to threaten the Master Teacher for treating him so rudely. If he had been offended by the question, he should have said so without half murdering the poor boy.

Then the Master Teacher said, "My Son, when you hunger for Knowledge & Wisdom just as much as you just hungered for air, you will surely find it."

Deep Hunger Hits Everyone

When we were children, those of us that were fortunate had caring parents, guardians, or loved ones to guide and help us during those times when we could not do for ourselves. We had someone to see us through those periods when we did not know what to do, how to do it, or where to start. These times do not go away just because you become older in age............You can laugh with me here.......................come on and laugh out loud.........You know as adults, we still have periods where we are in the Desert and Deeply Hungry, where we don't know what or how to do things, or where to start. This leads to frustration, procrastination, hesitation, or in some cases total ignorance of the Deeper Hungers you feel calling you in the Desert. How crazy is that, when you know you are going to starve and die.

Society is a major, major, major, major, major, major, influence and association. Its form of hypnotising education, programming and influence makes you a conformist and follower, listening to everything that comes to you from the outside as the final authority, verdict and conclusion of truth. Thus everything outside of you becomes your SOURCE! Listen very closely here. You see, when everything outside of you becomes your SOURCE, where do you turn when you are in the Desert and All Alone, with no outside supply??????????????? Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooo! Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you Hearing Me?????????????????

Food Suppliers

What if the outside Supplier and Source decides to cut off your supply????? What happens if they decide to judge you and classify you not worthy? Do you get this? The Bottom line is your Supplier becomes the God in which you are greatly dependent for all your needs, wants and desires. For some of you, almost everything. So are you free in this condition? Who is in control? Who is the Master in this case? Really think about this type of All Consuming Focus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Some of you need to run to the Desert right now and be alone by yourself. Really inquire into the truth of what is being said here.

You see when an outside world gives you an experience for free just like the drug dealer, he sets up a game without you knowing it. You get this experience for free, not knowing it is a trap. The experience is new and exciting. Then you come back again, and you get your supply for for free. Then before you know it, you are constantly coming back, and now it is costing you everything. Your happiness, your freedom, your joy, your peace of mind, EVERYTHING. This becomes your addiction. Except in this case, the Supplier or Source of your Drugs (Food) is everything outside of you. So everything outside of you is Mastering You, but who is Mastering Yourself?

Society, the Man-made Churches, the Government, well meaning family and friends are all outside of you. These things are not in the Desert when you are alone. Yes, this may seem hard to swallow, however it is the Absolute uncorrupted truth. I am in no way downing anything, neither am I saying I am for or against them, just reporting the truth. Many of you have never understood the control and addiction that a Drug Dealer has over his users.

In the analogy given, I hope you will begin to understand. The Drug Dealer is their Supplier. They have grown dependent. Notice I said GROWN DEPENDENT. Now, how many of you are willing to let go of the outside toxic food of which you have grown dependent? Really think about it. Now maybe you can personally understand Drug Addiction. Addiction is all the same. Whether it is to outside authorities, suppliers of a culture, society wisdom or knowledge or outside chemicals and pharmacueticals. Addiction is addiction.

Food & Water From the Desert?

IT is time for a new training. It is time for a new development. It is time for a new source and supplier of Food! It is time for a connection that does not pull strings, and makes promises it can not keep. It is time for a New Source, A New You, A New Life, A New Everything.

Many great leaders, sages, and teachers have went out or been lead out into the Desert Alone. This is where you are trained to find a supply of food that comes from a different place. This is the Trend that your Deep Hunger has Fueled since the beginning of mankind. The food of Society is temporary, and majorly toxic. This Food Supplier has existed for over 10,000 years, and the people are still deeply hungry. Look at the results for yourself. Will it take another 10,000 years of the same Food Supply?

The Lasting Trend

The 10,000 year food supply is the very reason many religions speak of the need of fasting and praying to cleanse out the many toxins and toxic wastes built up from the consumption of the current outside food supply. You will not get this if you take everything from a literal letter perspective and point of view, for it comes from an essence and spirit much deeper, a new food supplier and source. Learn to use the experiencing of the Desert for a new training. Learn to find that which you have never experienced before. Learn to find the Living Water that never runs dry. Learn to eat from the Harvest that is plentiful, and to be one of the few labors in the Desert to reap its bounty.

The trend toward (PDE) Personal Direct Experiencing, and being Fed on the Deepest level has taken root, and the Deep Hungers of the Soul are Fueling this lasting Trend. Many Great Men and Women from the beginning of time have followed, preached, and pointed the way to this Great Food Supply. The Trend is a way of suppling all levels of hunger. Just like when you were a child, dependent, helpless, vulnerable, powerless, and scared, the child in you is in pain an suffering, deeply hungry, crying out mercifully from the Desert for Help! Will you Answer?


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May This food for your soul, make you feel whole, until we meet again! So it is! If you sincerely and earnestly know you need help, don't wait or procrastinate. Inner Feeding is a Personal Integrative Spirituality. It is you and you alone that must feed your Deep Hunger! So Click here now!